
This is where we will share songs we'd like to suggest! Any suggestions must be sent to our email, which you can find in your "Previous Order for (your name): Details" email if you've purchased from us before. If not, we'll email you contacts directly!

Our rules: we won't submit innapropriate songs (e.g. "E" songs on Spotify), we won't submit discriminatory songs, we will not submit songs based on politics or political debates, we will not submit songs negatively targeted towards a specific person or group of people, and (while we dont necessarily enjoy country music, Sleep Token and other genres/artists) all genres and artists that fit our standards have to be added to be fair. Also, all songs must be on music platforms like SoundCloud, Spotify, Apple Music, et cetera, and CANNOT require purchases to listen to. Album covers, song names & artist names also cannot have innaproriate imagery and/or language. Thank you!

Keagan's music Kinsey's music Suggested music/users' music